And surely therein lies the rub. If it truly were propaganda why on earth would they have included these details?
Dan Brown's books contain more detailed narratives than any of the gospels. therefore what?.... they are true???!!
supposedly the disciples witnessed jesus' super-power awesomeness first-hand.. so they were all 100% on-board to-the-death martyrs ... right?.
erm .... judas betrayed him.
thomas didn't believe he'd come back.
And surely therein lies the rub. If it truly were propaganda why on earth would they have included these details?
Dan Brown's books contain more detailed narratives than any of the gospels. therefore what?.... they are true???!!
we all know that education is severely demonized in this religion.
and that the elders are appointed based on how many meetings they attend, hours they put in on the ministry and general attitude to other elders (as apposed to, you know, actual theological training and counseling) - so my question is, what were your elders occupations outside the kingdom hall?.
in my old congregation our elders consisted of:.
No window washers here. Through the years in my wife's Spanish congregation I recall elders working as
baker in supermarket store
self employed (cranes service)
court translator
court translator
clerk for title company
retired (sales)
The female pioneers and otherwise almost all house cleaners
manufactured outrage.
false equivalence.
every issues has "two sides".
TV is as democratic as anything can get. CNN, and any business, will do whatever attracts viewers. Don't blame the executives that run the TV networks, blame the public who votes (watches) for that kind of programming.
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
"He who is without sin cast the first stone."
I always had trouble with the whole story. First, the story was added after the gospel had been written. Second, Jesus wants to have it both ways, want to uphold Jewish law in other stories and break Jewish law here. Third, what's wrong with judging the wrong doer, even if you are a wrong doer, especially if repentant. Our justice systems will never work if we were to heed the advise here.
conventions always just seemed like more of a vacation to me than anything else, especially if you had to travel out of town for it, but definitely were exhausting especially toward the end of each day.
for some reason i didn't mind the special and circuit assemblies too much, probably because they seemed like more of a social event than anything else and only 1-2 days.
the memorial always was kind of boring to me.
don't walk too slow between doors
Really? by the looks of all the people preaching in the area where I live, the advise seems to have been "walk as slowly as possible" It's hard to tell if they are walking or just standing.
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
The problem with atheist sceptics, I often find, is they are simply not sceptical enough.
Sounds like skepticism is a good thing now!!!! Go figure.
I guess we should accept the existence of invisible and mute beings (gods, angels, demons) and miracles without questioning, but our skepticism about physical phenomena that is subjected to the rigorous testing of the scientific method is never enough. Got it
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
God? we don't know, his awfully quiet and all the descriptions of god defended and promoted by all religions don't pass the smell test in the 21st century. Therefore we put Him in the category of ????????, and with a great degree of certainty we can say that if he exists is not well described by any of the main religions, especially the "loving and forgiving" ***hole in the bible.
Resurrection?. Best known resurrection happened 2000 years ago and the guy promised to come back shortly after his ascension to heaven. If there ever was obvious BS, this qualifies. Two problem
1. goes to heaven...yeah right
2. never came back.
my ex-wife actually opened up to me today over the phone.
she was quite anxious and, i could sense, i little upset.
for those that dont know my situation im separated from my wife.
But this site seeks to infantalize posters and marinade them in victimization.
If you are in the U.S., are you Dr. Laura?
It's been a long time since I enjoyed her tough style.
i am new to this site, was always told by my elder father if the site accidentally appeared on the comp screen it was satans doing.
anyways, i am 28 y/m who had the unfortunate life of being the last of three kids to be born ins.
my oldest sibling lasted about 8 years before she was d,f.
I'm so sick of hearing like this is some kind of JW thing. This is a being a stern parent thing
It's both, a JW thing and a stern parent; it's a stern parent who is encouraged to be a complete a--hole by "Jehovah". The combination never bodes well for children with a independent mind.
i ask the above because of my personal experience.
as a born-in i was naive, socially inept and had never really thought deeply about anything.. i was also unable to accept arguments based upon reason and facts.. just like a child.. it was only after freeing myself from the mind-control of the jw cult that i educated myself and matured as a person to being (almost) an adult.. jw's attitudes and their inability to debate in any meaningful way, (they could start by actually listening),means they have not grown up..
Yes, they do grow up. They turn into ex-JWs